What goodness is in this food?

Aduki beans – influences heart and small intestines, tonifies the kidneys and adrenal function, detoxifies the body, removes heat conditions, disperses stagnant blood, reduces swelling, promotes weight loss, aduki bean juice increases mothers milk, remedies most kidney complaints.


Alfalfa – more nutritionally concentrated than any other sprout, alfalfa is very rich in minerals, detoxifies the body, takes harmful acid out the blood, cleans and tones intestines, can be used for lots of health conditions, weight loss, contains 8 enzymes that help assimilate protein fat and carbohydrate helps nursing mother produce more milk, contains, protein, carotene, calcium, iron, magnetism, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, sulfur, silicon, zinc, vitamin k and p and abundant in chlorophyll.


Apples – protects lungs from cigarette smoke, sweat and sour, reduces heat conditions in the body, remedies indigestion, and contains malic and tantric acid which inhibits disease producing bacteria in the digestive tract, contains pectin which removes cholesterol toxic metals such as mercury and lead and the residue of radiation from the body. Benefits low blood sugars and the depression that is associated with it.


Black beans – good for kidneys and reproductive function, used for infertility, builds yin fluids and blood, used for lower back ache and knee pain, black bean juice is great for helping in cases of hoarseness, laryngitis, kidney stones, bedwetting, urinary difficulties, hot flushes at menopause,


Beetroot – sweet flavor, strengthens the heart, has a calming effect so useful for nervousness,  improves circulation, purifies the blood, benefits the liver, moistens the intestines, can be used with carrots for hormonal regulation during menopause, helps in cases of constipation.


Butternut squash –relieves damp conditions including eczema, dysentery and edema, helps regulate blood sugar balance and benefits the pancreas, used for diabetics and hypoglycemia. Promotes discharge of mucus from lungs, bronchi and throat, benefits asthma, destroys intestinal worms.


Barley - strengthens spleen and pancreas, regulates stomach, fortifies the intestines, builds blood, moistens dryness, benefit’s the gall bladder and nerves, contains iron, fibre, calcium and protein


Broccoli – brightens the eyes, contains lots of pantothenic acid, vitamin A, vitamin C. sulfur, iron, B vitamins and chlorophyll


Cabbage- benefits the stomach, intestines, digestion, skin, purifies blood, used for treating constipation, common cold, whooping cough, mental depression, irritability, parasites, ulcers, skin eruptions, varicose veins, arthritis, chronic cold feet. Contains iodine, calcium, vitamins E, U and C. inhibits cancerous growth in the large intestine


Chick-peas - beneficial for pancreas, stomach and heart, high iron content


Celery – calms aggravated liver, improves digestion, benefits stomach, spleen and pancreas, dries mucus, purifies blood, reduces nervousness


Cucumber – counteracts toxins, lifts depression, cleanses blood purifies the skin, acts as a digestive aid especially when pickled or pressed. Also contains a digestive enzyme that breaks down protein and cleanses the intestines


Carrots – improves liver function, benefits lungs, spleen, pancreas, dissolves stones and tumours, treats indigestion and heart burn, helps get rid of bad bacteria and worms in the intestines, alkaline forming, helps clear acne, tonsillitis, night blindness, ear infections, earaches and deafness, coughs, helps regulate hormones and increases milk sullying in nursing mothers,  rich source of anti-oxidants


Coconut – sweet, strengthening, tonifes heart, builds yin fluids, often helpful in treating edema resulting from heart weakness and diabetes


Dill – stimulates energy in the liver and helps remove stagnation, can be used to help reduce insomnia, nervousness, improve mental focus by quieting the mind/body and bring feelings of centeredness in the heart


Dates - Dates are a good source of various vitamins and minerals. Essential minerals such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium and zinc are found in dates.  It also contains vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, vitamin A and vitamin K.


Green beans – strengthens spleen, pancreas and kidneys, helps manage side effects from diabetes and contains chlorophyll. 


Gomasio- high in calcium, iron, vitamins A and B


Garlic – promotes circulation, removes abdominal obstructions and stagnant food, inhibits the common cold as well as other viruses, eliminates worms, unfavourable bacteria, and yeasts including candida, promotes the growth of healthy intestinal flora, used for dysentery, pneumonia, tuberculosis, asthma, hay fever, diarrhea, snake bite, Lyme disease, anthrax infection, warts, abscesses, hepatitis, eliminates toxins from the body


Ginger- expansive and drying, sweet foods such as yam ,sweet pot, deserts, fruit, digest better if they are eaten with ginger, cinnamon, cloves, coriander, nutmeg and cardamom. Ginger also helps with the digestion of beans, helps eliminate gas, helps break down meat and beans in the body, lessens the effect of uric acid in the body from eating these foods, useful in helping nausea.


Jerusalem artichoke – nourishes lungs, release asthmatic conditions, treats constipation, stimulates insulin production and contains inulin thereby reducing insulin needs, they are an autumn and winter veg


Kale – sweet and slightly bitter and pungent flavors, eases lung congestion, benefits the stomach, has abundant sulfur, it’s also a great source of chlorophyll, calcium, iron, vitamin A, best to eat in autumn winter and early spring.


Kohlrabi – pungent, sweet, bitter flavor, improves circulation, eliminates blood stagnation, treats indigestion and blood sugar imbalances, relieves painful and difficult urination, stops bleeding in the colon, and alleviates the effects of intoxication from drugs and alcohol.


Kuzu – powdered tuber from japan, thickener, cools and soothes the stomach and intestines, balances the intestines, nurtures kidneys, helps with lung congestion, and works well for treating minor depression, helps balance the liver


Lentils – benefits the heart and circulation, increases vitality of the kidneys. Good source of protein.


Lemon – cooling nature, very sour, antiseptic, the best fruit for people who have eaten a high fat/protein diet, destroys rotting bacteria in the intestines and the mouth, good to eat if you have bad breath. Very good to eat in cases of colds, flu, parasite infection, has a mucus- resolving action, benefits the liver, encourages the formation of bile, improves absorption of minerals, promotes weight loss, cleanses the blood, treats high blood pressure, thick poorly circulating blood, and weak blood vessels, alleviates flatulence and indigestion in general, lemon juice diluted with water can be used for calming nerves, treating sour throats, cramps, balancing blood sugars/ the effects of diabetes, (these are all signs of fluid deficiency, and lemons increase yin fluid)
can be used externally to relieve itching from insect bites, don’t use lemons in cases of too much stomach acid, ulcers, week blood signs such as pale complexion and tongue, insomnia, irritability, thinness.


Millet- strengthens kidneys, benefits spleen- pancreas, builds blood, moisten dryness, alkalizing, balances out acid conditions, sweetens breath by retarding bacterial growth in mouth, high amino acid


Miso- 13%-20% protein, contains an amino acid pattern similar to meat, vitamin b12, aids digestion and assimilation, creates an alkaline condition in the body promoting resistance against disease, has been used to treat radiation sickness, heart disease, cancer, neutralizes some of the bad effects of smoking and air pollution.


Mushrooms – decrease the fat level in the blood, helps rid the repertory system from excess mucus, has antibiotic properties, increases white blood cell count thereby bolstering immunity, has anti-tumor properties.


Oils (unrefined)- when refined and animal fats are eaten digestion of food is retarded, the secretion of hydrochloric acid by the stomach diminishes with increased fat intake. All processed refined oils are rancid and filled with toxins as a result of high-temperature processing; they are bleached and chemically treated to ensure colorless, tasteless oil with a long shelf life. The taste of rancidity has been removed but the harmful effects remain. When rancid oils are eaten the body creates cells call free radicals. These are highly destructive cells which kill good and bad inside the body. Unrefined, cold pressed oils on the other hand are free of toxins and contain essential omega 3/alpha- linoleic acid, omega 6/ linoleum acid, lecithin, chlorophyll, vitamin e, beta-carotene, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper and phosphorous.


Onion – lowers blood pressure, cholesterol, decreases phlegm and inflammation of the nose and throat, inhibits allergic reactions.


Orange peel – mucus resolving properties, helps with digestion.


Oat- restores nervous and reproductive system, strengthens spleen and pancreas, builds and regulates energy (qi), removes cholesterol from digestive tracts and arteries, strengthens cardiac muscles, one of the richest silicon foods, helps renew the bones and all connective tissue, also contain phosphorus which is required by the brain and nerve formation during youth, also useful for preventing infections and contagious diseases especially in children.


Polenta/maize/corn – sweet flavor, nourishes the heart, helps regulate digestion, improves appetite, promotes healthy teach and gums, tonifies the kidneys,

Parsnips – benefits the spleen pancreas and stomach, helps clear liver and gall bladder obstruction, lubricates the intestines,


Pomegranates – destroys worms in the intestinal tract, strengthens gums, soothes ulcers of the mouth and throat.


Pickles/ Sauerkraut – aid digestion, benefits and restores intestinal flora,


Peanut butter – sweet flavor, effects the lungs, lubricates the intestines, harmonizes the stomach, increase mothers milk, they slow the metabolic rate of the liver so avoid if overweight, sluggish, yeast infected, or cancerous, good for thin nervous type person who has a fast metabolism


Pine nuts – lubricates lungs and intestines, helps in treating dizziness, dry cough, rheumatism, constipation, highly susceptible to rancidity so keep in fridge sealed once shelled


Parsley – improves digestion, detoxifies meat and fish poisoning, contains several times the vitamin C of citrus and is one of the highest sources of vitamin A, chlorophyll, calcium, sodium, magnesium and iron. Good for the treatment of obesity, swollen glands, and stones in then kidney, bladder or gall bladder. Strengthens the adrenal glands, optic and brain nerves and teeth, also treats ear infections, ear aches and deafness, taken for cancer prevention. Dries up mother milk so don’t use if nursing.


Pressed salad – Pressed salad aids digestion and help build good intestinal flora. Salting and pressing has the effect of "cooking" the vegetables in the sense of making them more digestible, but preserves the active living enzymes.


Pear – effects the lungs eliminates heat and excess mucus, stops coughing associated with hot lungs, moistens dryness, don’t use if there is deficient digestive fire i.e. loose stools swollen pale tongue.


Quinoa- generally strengthening for the whole body, specifically tonifies the kidneys, compared with all grains it has the highest protein content, has more calcium then milk and a very good source of iron, phosphorous, b vitamins and vitamin E

Rice syrup – complex carbohydrate, therefore digests slowly unlike other sugars that enter the blood stream through the cheek walls, there by omitting the sugar highs and lows that are associated with simple sugars and sugar cravings, alkalizing, contains many of the nutrients that are in brown rice.


Rice (whole grain)- high in magnesium, b vitamins, trace minerals, gamma- oryzanol (highly affective antioxidant), vitamin E, over 70 other antioxidants that can prevent cellular damage and preserve youthfulness, has a positive effect on blood sugar levels and therefore diabetes. Converts fat to lean body mass, improves hormonal balance, promotes liver restoration, slows aging process, reduces mucus access, boosts respiratory functions, and also helps conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, acne, asthma. Helps produce natural killer cells in the body one of which such cells can destroy 27 cancer cells in just a few minutes. They can also overcome dangerous viruses such as hepatitis c and HIV.


Sunflower seeds – boosts energy, cleans intestines


Sweet pot – strengthens spleen pancreas, increases quantity of milk in nursing mothers, removes toxins form the body, helps dry and inflamed conditions in the body,  rich in vitamin A,


Split peas – good for spleen, pancreas and stomach, harmonizes digestion, helps in cases of vomiting, hiccups and coughing, also helps in cases of skin eruptions.


Seaweed - soften hardened areas and masses in the body, detoxify; moisten dryness, transforms phlegm, diuretic, removes residues of radiation in the body, acts as a lymphatic cleanser, alkalizes the blood, alleviates liver stagnancy, beneficial to thyroids, lower cholesterol and fat in blood, promotes weight loss, used to treat, swelling, nodules, lumps, swollen lymph glands, edema, chronic cough, skin diseases marked with redness, cancer and tumors. Contains about 100 minerals and trace elements needed for healthy blood, amino acids, iodine, 10 x more calcium then milk and 25x more iron. When cooked with other foods it greatly increases nutritional value as it is considered the most completely mineralized food.


Spelt – sweet flavor, warming nature, strengthens the spleen and pancreas, moisten dryness, nurtures the yin fluids and structural aspects of the body, benefits the frail/deficient person, can be used in the treatments of diarrhea, constipation, poor digestion, colitis, and various other intestinal disorders. Strengthens immunity, high in protein, fiber, it has also been known to be used in healing chronic digestive problems of all kinds, chronic infection, nerves and bone disorders, such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, cancer and antibiotic side effects


Sour dough –yeast people mainly use for bread was discovered in a chemists lab about 100 years ago, yeasted bread is linked to stomach bloating, indigestion, thin blood, week intestines, exasperate candida over growth symptoms including many degenerative diseases, flour bleach in most commercial breads has been found to cause diabetes in animals by destroying the beta calls in the pancreas.
Pros of naturally leaven bread, natural leavening introduces live air born yeasts, the fermenting agents break down the cellulose structure and release nutrients into the dough, improving the nutritional value. Contains lactobacillus, which helps generate the intestinal flora essential for proper digestion and elimination. The natural bacterial action and baking neutralize nearly all of the phytic aid which occurs in the wheat and other grains (phytic acid reduces mineral metabolism- especially in those whose diet includes a good percentage of grains and legumes- about 90 percent of phytic acid remains in yeasted bread)


Sesame seeds/ tahini – natural thermal nature, sweet flavor, tonifies the yin fluids and blood, strengthens liver and kidneys, lubricates the intestines and the five yin organs (heart, liver, kidney, spleen pancreas, lungs) acts as a general tonic, can be used in the treatment of rheumatism, constipation, dry cough, blurry vision, ringing in the ears, blood in urine, low back ache, week knees, stiff joints, nervous spasms, headaches, insufficient mothers milk, dizziness, numbness


Umoboshi – (salty, sour pickled plum for japan) highly alkalizing, antibiotic, regulates intestines












Devori Nussbaum